A Continual Pursuit Of All Things Plants

The truth is, over the past few years we've noticed a strong disconnect between our generation and the natural world. Modern life has made things that Plant Pursuit is passionate about seem foreign and unknown to many people. Passions like: sustainable food sources, soil health, land stewardship, foliage and life outdoors. 

The reality of where food comes from and practices of self sustainability feel almost unreachable for folks. The act of growing herbs in the garden or even caring for tropical houseplants has become more of a task then ever before. For the generations previous, a connection with nature was essential for survival. Now, with creature comforts like the grocery store and access to online shopping - these pivotal skills and relationships are quickly disappearing.

With that in mind, Plant Pursuit was founded as a platform to provide education and accessible guidance related to all things plants. Officially, we planted roots and started the business in early twenty nineteen. Since then, we have been on a mission to bridge the gap between our generation and nature. The work we do through community events and through our commitments to our clients ensures success in our mission.

Today, Plant Pursuit is run by the partnership of Ellen Kim and Dante Teti. Two curious-nature-nerds determined to share their love for all things plants. Plant Pursuit is based in Vancouver, BC and offers a variety of services across The Lower Mainland and throughout the Sea To Sky region. We continue to work closely with indoor tropical plants and of course love to work on projects outdoors in the soil. We are always open to new clients and we look forward to growing something great together! Sincerely, Plant Pursuit.

Ellen Kim Lead Botanist Dante Teti Operations Manager